Life is full of ups and downs. There are times, the "downs", when I feel alone. Like I am just scrambling here on earth, trying to do my best, but failing. I know that God is there... I just can't feel Him like I do other times. But on the other hand, there are times I just want to sing..."I Feel My Saviors Love in all the world around me, His spirit warms my soul, through everything I see." I truly feel like He is leading me, guiding me, walking beside me and helping me find the way. I was having one of the "up" moments the other night as I was praying. I found myself pleading with Heavenly Father to help me keep that peace with me and to never let it leave. I felt His loving arms around me and I didn't want to move. I thought about some of the rough times I had experienced in the last few weeks and couldn't bear the thought of having to do it all over again. It was then the the Holy Ghost reminded me of a poem I once heard called "The Lesson" by Carol Lynn Pearson. It presents the analogy that we are each like a child learning how to walk. God places us on the other side of the room and then calls to come to Him. Though learning to walk is difficult for toddlers, parents know that it is possible and necessary for them as they grow. Similarly, God knows that the trials we will face will be difficult for us but that in the end they are essential for our growth and learning.
The Lesson
"Yes, my fretting, frowning child, I could cross the room to you more easily. But I've already learned to walk, so I make you come to me. Let go now—There! You see? Oh, remember this simple
lesson, child. And when in later years you cry out with tight fists and tears "Oh help me, God—please."— Just listen and you'll hear a silent voice: "I would, child, I would. But it's you, not I, who needs to learn Godhood."
Though trials are painful, difficult, and even devastating, they are made possible through the atonement of Jesus Christ. I testify that God is not only aware of us during the "ups" and "downs" but that He is guiding us the whole way! We just need to have the faith of a child and put one step in front of the other!